erstellt am 2024-08-08 gesichert am 2024-09-03
[Text in Schwarz = Deutsch, in Blau = English !! Text in black = German, in blue = English]
Übersetzungen oder Lectorate mit Hilfe von & Write verfasst. ?? Translations or lectorates written with the help of & Write.
The annual NADEUM membership fee is € 240,00
Exceptions can be seen in the forms themselves: Special conditions require written proof.
For example:
Your bank statement / current student ID / current pupil ID / current apprentice ID / these must be enclosed with the correctly completed membership application forms in the case of requested special conditions – by post to the association address – or by means of a PDF file attachment to the association e-mail: >
In the <membership application form> you can see what kind of member you want to be.
This form must be filled in by all future members, whether active or passive. For passive members, NADEUM understands that people from all countries of the world are primarily involved in supporting the association by means of voluntary financial contributions, in order to give the association greater scope in its activities. Furthermore, they automatically receive a „Digital Newsletter Link“ every year, provided that current press releases are available. [PDF file to download]
Members who are willing and able to support us with their skills are welcome.
In the <Membership Application Form – Specialists> their skills are relevant and decisive.
In the <Membership Application Form – Volunteer> you are only accepted on a temporary basis.
You decide when and how you want to be involved with us. Your activities can be of various kinds.
Project-supporting payments or donations (sponsoring) do not require membership.
All payments, whether these are membership fees or other payments, must always be paid online into the liquidity savings account.
IBAN AT35-1500-0041-1105-8816 ; BIC/SWIFT-Code: OBKLAT2L ; NADEUM has chosen „Oberbank“.

NADEUM own photo created by GJSch in the northern Weinviertel at the time of apple blossom